Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quick Cali Trip

Last weekend we drove to California for Nate's baptism. About 30 minutes into the trip Bri was saying things like, "all done car, I wanna play, I wanna get out!" So you can imagine how great the 12 hour trip was. The whole way down I made sure Don knew that we were flying from now on. We'll just call that 12 hours less than pleasant and leave it at that.

We had a lot of fun once we actually got to California. On Friday night we stayed with Bren and Megh. Brighton Went wild for their little dog! She was ridiculously excited. She chased it around and around laughing her head off saying, "funny doggy" and "doggy's hiding." She thought the dog was playing a game with her, when in reality, I think the dog was hiding for its own protection.

Saturday was a fun day. We got to spend some time with Ralf and Nita, check out Ben and Nate's little league game, go to the baptism, and go to a birthday party for Ben and Nate. It was definitely a full day. It was great to see everybody, even though it was a super short visit!

After the party we decided we would drive as far as we could that night. We made it the two hours to Bren and Megh's and gave up. We slept there until Bri woke up screaming at 4am and then got back on the road. Bri was a total trooper on the way home. She watched her Choo-Choo Thomas movie about a hundred times and slept a whole bunch, which was great for all of us!


The Fear Fam said...

It was great to see you guys! I'm so glad the trip home was better than the trip down.


Becky said...

Thank goodness for DVD players, eh? They have absolutely SAVED us! Fun trip! Oh, and happy post mother's day!